解决 Gitlab 中 the project is still being deleted 错误
@ · Wednesday, Mar 22, 2017 · 1 minute read · Update at Mar 22, 2017

团队使用 gitlab 8.16.6,部署在一个基于 Rancher 的 Docker 集群中。

最近发生了灵异事件:删除某个项目 Repo 之后,重建一个同名项目,系统会不让你建。无论是新建空项目还是 fork 项目。提示信息如下:

xxx Error

You tried to xxx {namespace} / {repo} but it failed for the following reason:

– The project is still being deleted. Please try again later.


Started POST "/{namespace}/{repo}/forks?namespace_key=[FILTERED]" for {IP-ADDRESS} at 2017-01-30 13:26:41 +0100

Processing by Projects::ForksController#create as HTML

Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"{token}", "namespace_key"=>"[FILTERED]", "namespace_id"=>"{namespace}", "project_id"=>"{repo}"}

Unable to save project. Error: The project is still being deleted. Please try again later.

Error setting import status to failed: cannot update a new record. Original error: Unable to save project. Error: The project is still being deleted. Please try again later.

Completed 200 OK in 213ms (Views: 67.5ms | ActiveRecord: 21.6ms)


p = Project.unscoped.find(123) // 123  id
p.pending_delete = false
p.save validate: false

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